since 2019


About the International Club «Social Way» - SWClub!

"SWClub" has been operating in the market since 2019.
The company's interests are concentrated in the creation and development of large international projects aimed at improving social connections, health and well-being of people around the world.
With those goals in mind, SWClub takes an active part and is a local regional company which is a part of the international business project SWClub.

We are a global service which allows our customers to access both the best of everyday consumer goods as well as a wide range of exclusive products all directly within their local country. Our customers, participating from within their own country, do not care about expensive logistics or customs clearance issues, as one would when shopping abroad. At the same time, we are one space, and wherever, in whichever country the purchase took place, everything is accounted for within a single program for all countries. Your friends, who are members of the club, may be located and may operate in any country, on any continent, with all of their activities accounted for in the main common international system.

Our task is to improve the well–being and health of people, as well as care for the environment and the human biosphere.

Along with impressive products, we provide our participants with extraordinary opportunities of international innovative programs that assist in improving participants' well-being and help them realize their dreams.